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11 Things They Don't Want You To Know


"The whole world is just, it's just intertwined with lies, appealing to the worst of the instincts we have." - Eugene A Peterson

By Savvvy Team

October 19, 2021

This article will go over :

  • The amounts of times you are bound to encounter lies

  • We tend to exaggerating stories when we tell them ... just a wee bit

  • Let's go over the dark history of the United States of Americas

  • Our pleasure seeking brains through pornography

  • Using dating apps and ways you can enhance your online dating profile

  • Let's talk about our healthcare system in U.S.A

  • Do you believe in immortality? Afterlife v.s Death

  • Stop always searching for the next best thing, because you will just keep searching

  • The world-revolves-around-me syndrome and how it's toxic

1. How Much We Are Begin Lied To

And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is?

How many times are we begin lied to?

“We're lied to 10 to 200 times a day, and tell a lie ourselves an average of 1 to 2 times in the same period. These talks will help you understand why — and will make you better at sussing out the truth.”

As if lying to ourselves was not enough! Most of us are not good liars and we can usually tell when someone is lying to us.

Other times, you wouldn't know if it slapped you in the face. But let's face it, most of us lie quite frequently and even to ourselves, worst of all we tend to eventually believe it.

If this is the case, then are we just all becoming conditionally desensitised to the actual facts? Is there even such things as facts?

Why do we even lie?

To impress other, save face, avoid hurting people's feeling, prevent conflict, and many more other reasons.

Why are we lied to?

Like the time when you were in school and they gave you a history lesson on the discovery of America ....... cough cough.

'Leaving things out' (a.k.a omission) is not a lie. So they they say. Or this is you justifying what you do not want someone to know without lying. Let's keep it real.

How can they be honest with us when they have not been honest with themselves?

We are meant to believe others with no questions asked about what we see or hear in the news and/or other platforms we get our information from.

There is no doubt that it is easier to conform (to some extent) and the benefits of a thriving society benefits more from people as a whole rather than an entire nation when people are running ramped.

This leads us into the next thing that they do not want you to know or become hyperaware of.

2. Coercion Is Used For Us To Conform

Don't we just all want to do our own thing and in a unique way?

Of course we do!

However, there comes a time and place where we are forced to conform. Like, driving in a one way lane (imagine going against traffic), or walking down the stairs backwards.

Some of these things that we conform to are for our safety and well-begin. But not everything.

There are other controversial topics that do not give people the opportunity to fight the social norm.

For example, begin able to decided if you want to drive over the speed limit without getting a ticket or wearing whatever you want to wear without fear of begin judged.

This topic goes much deeper than just the obvious but we will leave this topic for another day.

3. Majority Of Us Are Narcissistic

I'm sure there is someone reading this out there telling themselves, " I AM NOT A NARCISSISTIC" or actually admitting it.

Most of us go about living our lives feeling entitled whether that's on the road (road rage) or at your job (we deserve a raise, a better position) and relationships (we deserved to be treated like a king and queen - which we do).

This is not to say you do not deserve these things at all, however, there are way to manage all of this. And, more the while by begin grateful and not having a sense of entitlement.

To illustrate this: when you are to pass (die) the world keeps going, time passes by, air continues to be air, and the sun and moon still comes out at the same time despite you not begin around.

The world does not stop because you are no longer around. Be grateful and stay humble.

Friendly reminder: Put yourself first but remember you need others to help you get to where you want to get too. So be nice to everyone.

Signs of a narcissist

  • Poor at expressing gratitude and expressing emotions

  • Not begin honest and not passionate

  • Entitlement (it's all about them & what they want but they do not see it any other way)

  • Self delusion

  • Emotionally and physically insecure

  • Ignorance of the world around them

4. Porn is not good for us!

Oh, those lovely cookies. And I am not talking about those warm, sweet delicious cookies that melt in your mouth.

No, I am talking about the tracking cookies on your device that you use when you get on those porn sites. Yeah, they basically snitched on us.

And do not think because you are incognito that you're safe....think again.

You have probably watched porn sometime in your life, or, recently. You enjoyed it so much that you might get back on even after reading this article.

No matter the context, just hearing the word can cause arousal and stray your mind away from begin present. Goodness! Talk about dopamine release.

Our porn craze culture choice of domaine is typically the option of porn as it is easily accessible. The U.S., by far, keeps staying on the the list for top countries that consumes porn on a daily basis.

Are you surprised that we watch so much porn?

“I watch it but it does not effect me. I can stop whenever I want”.

Let's be honest here. Whether you'd like to admit it or not porn watching effects you in more ways than you may think or imagine.

Wait, wait, Hold on ....

Still skeptical? I know it's not an easy thing to hear especially if you are a frequent watcher.

Here are a few effects porn can have on your quality of life according to

Effects porn has on your quality of life:

  • Porn can give rise to social isolation (why go out and meet people when I have porn)

  • Porn encourages self-gratification (easier is not always the best route)

  • Porn makes your normal sex life not as fun (expectations can become unrealistic IRL)

  • Porn can enhance your anxiety, depression and stress level (yeah, I didn't want to believe this one myself)

According to a research conducted called Archives of Sexual Behavior

"We are living in the most sexually liberated times of human history and yet we are living in a time where people are having less sex than in over previous decades."

5. Dating Apps Are A Waste Of Time

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Let's admit it, it has not been an ideal place to meet someone who is looking for something consistent. And if you are the exception or have never felt the need to download these things then great! Skip to 6.

Now, for those of us who agree - dating apps are a waste of time! Check out our article You Are Using Dating Apps All Wrong.

These apps state that they are meant to be deleted and while most of us end up re-downloading it again (whatever the reason is) and the cycle then continues.

If these apps are meant to help you reach your relationship goals in the dating world, should it not be made possible with the millions of users on them?

Unfortunately, no!

Whether you are looking for a relationship, something casual, or sexual, you are competing with the the mass number of objectifying humans in todays' world, lucky us!

Dating app users are overly objectifying the profiles of many and not giving them an honest chance due to the fact that we never went to school to market ourselves on these devices.

You have to be extremely critical with your photos and those filters can make us look like a completely different person.

This is where creativity comes in handy. And well, let's face it, most of us are not too savvy in this department.

Despite dating app users stating overall good experience when actually meeting someone in person.

If you are looking for something serious in these apps here is a harsh fact. Most of us who are single are also running into people who are not looking for anything serious so you can already knock 50% of those users off the list when using the apps.

6. The Omission of History in United States of America

Whether you like it or not, looking over parts of the American history has distorted the views about the world we live in today.

While some of these topics are controversial and have stayed out of our school systems for a plethora of reason.

Understanding the influences it has in our society and how it has been overshadowed will help you look at things with a more keen eye.

Here is a list of overlooked or contorted stories in history that has shaped the American history.

Important Times in American History

7. Health Care Industry Responsible for Opioid Epidemic

The U.S. is currently in the midst of a staggering opioid epidemic, and heroin is front and center.

Heroin in a few cases was founded to be successful in breaking addiction to morphine and codeine. What they failed to foresee was that heroin would soon be a habit just as difficult to cure as the morphine habit.

Rather than reducing the use of narcotics, the advocation of heroin was responsible for many people becoming drug addicts.

No one is this world is perfect, no industry, no business, nothing. Our health industry is responsible for our drug industry overall and we need to be more cautious when it comes to accepting new narcotics with open arms.

8. Paying out-of-pocket for long-term Nursing Home Care

According to "Most people who enter nursing homes start by paying for their care out-of-pocket considering medicare doesn't not generally cover long-term-care stays in nursing homes."

We can admit that the healthcare system in American is extremely complex and that most of us do not even understand it.

You either have different types of insurance and premiums that need to be paid before your doctor's visit or hospital charges are covered.

And, depending on the care you need, it is also dependent on the type of insurance that is needed.

If that does not get confusing enough, you need to then understand the clauses in your specific plan in case they are able to cancel your policy during the renewal period.

Many of us are dealing with, or will be dealing with ageing parents or siblings and are trying to navigate this all while managing our own affairs.

These are some topics that are overlooked in the mental health care system as well as physical illness that come along with the the ageing process.

Ageing adults deserve a human basic right when it comes to a happy living, a non-worry-some life despite not begin able to afford their care for their health.

The question is why does most of our taxes not go toward this?

In short: Healthcare in America has room for major improvement.

9. We Exaggerate and Fabricate Things In Our Life

Alright, so you already exaggerate your looks by using filters, great lighting, and even the use of make-up.

But, it's not only about our exaggerated looks, however, other aspects of your life such as work, relationships, or how you retell an event v.s how it actually happened.

"You never think of me" or "My life is always so hard".

We sometimes give meaning to this with the company of stress or begin overwhelmed. So then why do we feel a need to exaggerate our stories?

It makes them more interesting, a need to be liked, want to impress someone, or for effects.

Exaggeration and fabrication can lead to conflicts with people and thus not begin able to be resolve them considering it is not presented in a realistic perspective.

Now, by no means is this to discredit your emotions or feelings as invalid. It would be more in our favor to acknowledge that we do this and refrain from becoming overzealous in nature when story telling.

Remember the above statement about us lying to ourselves.Well, we also exaggerate.

10. We Are Overly Sensitive About Death

Besides the typical fears of heights, spiders, snakes, flying, etc there is also a fear of missing out on life (aka F.O.M.O).

Many philosophers have done their diligence in this area of studies to determine the meaning and purpose of life.

While it is normal to have levels of fears or concerns about death most of us go along in life not begin consciously present.

Take time to slow down and actually enjoy the smaller things in life.

Understand your thoughts and when it can hinder you from actually enjoying your life.

When was the last time you appreciated the smell, touch, and beauty of a flower? When was the last time you even paid attention to the very thing that gives you life - your breathe?

When was the last time you just enjoyed the surrounding around you without your face begin stuck on a device or gadget (aka your phone)?

When you get to an old age you start appreciating the smaller things in life, all of the things you rushed past, such as appreciating nature, watching the sunset and begin present of the world around you.

Most of us struggle in this aspect of life trying to find meaning and purpose and in doing so sabotage our own lives.

Then, we realize when we get older what is truly important.

Do not allow the time to pass you by because before you know it it will be too late and by that point you will already be dealing with health issues that will starting taking precendent over your entire life.

11. Consumerism is Killing us Slowly

We Want New, We Want More, And We Want It Now!

We are constantly bombarded with new gadgets, new movies, new fashion and new style.

I mean, hell, even wanting a new relationship because the one you are in is getting boring. The grass is not always greener on the other side.

With all the jumping around to 'the next' we never get the chance to be grateful and appreciate the things we currently have because we are preoccupied with the something else that we do not have yet or the newest thing coming out.

There is nothing wrong with wanting new things! But when you sacrifice how your bank account looks for the newest phone or that designer handbag there's a bigger issue that needs to be addressed.

Compulsion shopping is a thing regardless of your financial means. There is help out there you just have to be willingly and honest with yourself (which is something that we usually are not until it's either too late or we are too far gone in the rabbit hole to a see a way out ourselves).


The 11 topics that most people do not want to talk about. Knowledge is power and some of the topics are controversial but also taboo. So, I decided to write about it and here it is.

Here are the topics covered:

  • Healthcare in this country is just a hot mess

  • We are lied to 10 to 200 times a day, and tell a lie ourselves an average of 1 to 2 times in the same period

  • Most of us like to think we are nonconformist when in reality we are all striving for the same things

  • Most of us walk around feeling entitled, but really we should be more grateful

  • Dating apps suck

  • We watch porn way too much

  • America's history that is dark and evil has been left out of our school

  • Did I mention we watch way too much porn

  • We tend to exaggerate how we tell our stories

  • Acknowledging a major drug problem in the U.S

  • The World Does Not Revolve Around You Syndrome

  • We lie to ourself way too often, so often you tend to eventually believe it

  • You are always searching for the newer and better thing that you can't take the time to appreciate what you already have

  • We still do not know how to handle people dying when it's inevitable

What Else Do You Want to Improve About Yourself?

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