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30 Things to Learned Before Turning 30

Approaching 30 never felt so good, and scary.

By Savvvy Team

April 30, 2022

Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels

Here we are counting down to the end of our twenties and entering a new decade. I think turning 30 is pretty a big deal for many people and I did not want to underestimate it.

I am not one to celebrate or acknowledge a day that makes me a centre of attention so I took this opportunity to reflect and share what it is I think was important in my life.

This would be my last month in my 20s and taking inventory of my life up until now is reviving, relieving, and pretty much scary (not going to lie about that).

Let's be grateful for the people in our lives that we have come across, the good and the bad. There are lessons we have learned and many more that will be coming along as the years go by.

As you come into a new decade remember that without other people we would never know parts of us that needs to heal or the parts of us that we love so much.

So here it is, cheers to a new entire decade, to new lessons, and sharing with you the lessons I've learned as I walk into my thirties feeling more powerful than ever.

Lesson 1: Be Grateful

Take time to take a deep breathe and look at what is around you. Appreciate how far you have come despite feeling inadequate.

We are always too busy complaining about the things we do not have that we forget to appreciate the things that we do have. Be grateful, be mindful, and just be you!

Lesson 2: Wake up with productive intentions

This one works! Trust me, wake up with specific intentions each and everyday.

Set a reminder on your phone and tell yourself an affirmation that will make you feel productive and positive.

The one I use and has guided me is, "Love and money flows easily towards me".

Lesson 3: Appreciate nature

Nature is extremely healing and if you ever feel like you need a quick get away than finding a natural reservoir or a park can be the exact thing you need.

Become one with nature and take in the scents and sounds that this world has to offer.

Listen to the birds chirping, hear the rushing of the waters, see if you can become more aware of the smell of when the rain will soon be coming.

Lesson 4: Walk more

Taking walks with no distractions can become just the therapy you have been missing.

Listening to music or just enjoying the scenery and nature.

Giving yourself the time you deserve to get rooted back into getting your steps in can help you come up with amazing ideas and help you become more centred with yourself.

Lesson 5: Heal your feminine energy

Despite whether you are a male or female; energies are lucid. However, some have more than the other.

Getting acquainted with your feminine side whether you are a male or female can provide some relinquishing emotions that have been suppressed.

Lesson 6: Don't watch as much porn

Now, I would like to say stop watching it altogether but I will not take it too far.

Porn watching does affect your relationship whether you like to admit it or not.

Your brain releases dopamine, which is a chemical that is associated with our ability to feel pleasure.

Your body also release oxytocin, which is commonly referred to as the “love hormone" so when you (your brain) become use to it it will feel a need to keep getting it the same way. If anything become more aware of the consistency of how much you watch it.

Lesson 7: Smile more

It is said that smiling releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress.

I promise you it would not hurt to smile more. People are more pleasant and more approachable when they see you have a smile on.

Lesson 8: Don't be so hard on yourself

We are our biggest critics.

Take this time to pat yourself on the back and a high five for trying to become a better version of yourself, you deserve it.

Treat yourself by begin more kind and appreciating the smaller things in life you have accomplished.

Lesson 9: Change your thoughts & words

Not only are we what we eat but we are also our thoughts and words. This one is imperative to understand as a majority people are self doubters and have a negative mindset.

Become more aware of the words you speak.

When you catch yourself with negative talk reverse it and say the opposite. It works like a charm.

Lesson 10: It's okay to cry

Healing comes in many forms for different people. Stress is a common reason of diseases and health related issues.

Most people do not realize how keeping this inside affects their body internally.

Tell yourself it is okay to feel the emotions you are feeling, do not invalidate your feelings due to feeling weak.

Know that is takes courage to show these emotions and in turn will make you a stronger and understand yourself that much better.

Lesson 11: Tune out the drama

It is so easy to get sucked into the gossip and the dramas of every day life. But by doing this you are limiting your true authentic self.

Allow yourself to walk away from any negative talks that do not serve you, even if that is with loved ones or family.

Lesson 12: Do not go to bed angry

This one is a given. Going to bed angry can trickle into the next day. Refrain from keeping yourself in this emotion for too long. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and acknowledge them, but then become a guru at releasing them as well.

Going to bed angry serves no one, so do your best to find a ritual at night that leaves you feeling lighter. Try a nighttime bath, reading a book, or anything else that calms you down that will not effect your sleep.

Lesson 13: Date yourself

Most of us tend to neglect ourselves. It is ludicrous to think how we can not go to the movies or out to eat at nice restaurants without anyone else accompanying us, or, even traveling.

The lies and fears we put on others to keep us stuck does not help elevate you but keep you dependent on others.

Take time that you deserve to do the things you want to do with yourself. Finding peace in solitude plays a major role in having an abundant and fulfilling life.

Lesson 14: Take care of your body and skin

Self-care is a real thing. It is crazy how we can even call these things a trend.

Take time to nourish yourself from the inside out. Your body and mind will thank you later.

Lesson 15: Mental health is the new wealth

Having a stable mind is the best kind of wealth anyone can ask for.

Take time to meditate, eat healthier, drink more water, and learn how to become one with nature. Your mind and body will thank you later.

Lesson 16: Your hair has character

Different cultures and religion put emphasis on the importance of hair. Some may cover it up, others may but them into braids or locks, and others may find it important to grow it.

Whatever the case may be make sure you are taking care of your locks. It may a play a part in begin an indicator of your health.

Lesson 17: Reading is everything

Read, read, read. If there is anything you want to learn more about or that you are fascinated in then start reading.

Reading is extremely important to feed your mind and soul.

Join a book club or go to your nearest library to get you started.

Lesson 18: Block the noise

You are going to be bombarded with ads, social media, gossips, and so much else. It is important to stay balanced in a world that may seem the complete opposite.

Try getting into yoga or practice meditating if you are looking for ways to keep your mind and body centred.

Keep in mind the music you listen to, food you eat, and people you surround yourself with.

Lesson 19: Music reflects & affects mood

Music brings people together. There are many of us that enjoy singing along, dancing, and going down memory lane with the types of genres we particular like.

Many of us however are not aware how deep of an impact music has on our overall well-begin.

Try expanding your genre, try listening to music with no lyrics, healing music with vibrational sounds that are meant to uplift you. Your ears, mind, and body will thank you later.

Lesson 20: Not all vaccines are made the same

And not all bodies react the same.

Get to know your body and become more in-tune with what it is your body might need or may reject.

No one else can ever make that choice for you.

Lesson 21: Be funny & tell jokes

Whether you are the one telling the jokes or listening to them, laughing is one of the best medicines out there.

Take the time to watch those funny animal or baby videos that have us laughing so hard even after!

Be a little be more light hearted and you will wonder how simple it was to make a choice to have fun.

Lesson 22: Be honest

People lie, energy does not.

Honesty is the best policy. We tend to think that we are great liars and as far as that goes I believe even actors are not good liars when it comes to their own lives. Learn how to not lie as much since we tend to lie on average several times a day.

Lesson 23: Do what makes you happy

We tend to put other people needs' before our own. What many people do not realize is that you leave yourself depleted and angry at the rest of the world.

Take time out for yourself and learn how to say yes more to yourself.

Lesson 24: It's not bad to touch yourself

How are you able to allow your partner to know what it is you like when you have no explored your own body.

We are meant to feel like this is bad or even a sin at a very young age therefore leading us down the path of not knowing our bodies.

Give yourself light touches to see what parts you feel more sensitive towards. Whatever you do, do not allow yourself to feel wrong for it. Enjoy the vessel you are in.

Lesson 25: Believe in something other than yourself

We are part of a world bigger than ourselves. When you are always preoccupied with your own needs this could lead into an unhealthy relationship with others even with yourself.

In simpler terms, the world does not stop turning when your soul departs from your vessel. Keep others in mind and start giving back to your community.

Lesson 26: You are not able to give others what you can't give yourself

When you are constantly giving your time to others, your resources, lowering your standards and expectations, you are not doing yourself any service by spreading yourself thin.

This can lead to frustrations, anxiety, depression, and more confusion within yourself. Give to yourself first before you give to others.

Lesson 27: Learn to say no

There is a saying out there stating to say yes to every opportunity that presents itself. By saying yes to so many things you are saying no to yourself in other ways.

Learn to become familiar with discernments within yourself so you can make better judgement calls for your life.

Lesson 28: Do not care what others say

This one is inevitable. There are going to be people that will talk, will say things about you that are coming from their own judgement.

There will be family and friends who will not believe in your dreams fully and cold-heartedly like you do. Oh well! Keep it moving. This is your life. Prove yourself right and others wrong.

Lesson 29: Stop begin controlled by your fears

They say we make choices based off of either love or fear. If love is what makes most people feel great than why is it that fear overtakes a majority of how people's lives are lived by and choices are made.

Learn to control your fears, not your fears control you.

Lesson 30: Find your voice

With all the noise, the fears, the doubt, it is difficult to find our own unique voice. It is almost as if we are meant to look and sound the same.

How do you find your voice? Great question.

Start working on the shadow part of yourself, start finding peace in solitude, and become more spiritually incline to know your soul outside of this world we live in.

It is not an easy journey but it is more than possible.

So, cheers to a new decade you beautiful soul! And remember, nothing is ever what it seems.


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