We are meant to be human beings made up of love.
By Savvvy Team
November 16, 2021
A person in abundance gives love because there is no lack. Love is not about the self because you can create more of it abundantly at anytime.
When you are in love, you are it. You are love.
When you work really hard to nurture love and allow it to grow, you open your heart and thus the body transforms itself.
Experiencing in love and in the moment you stay locked in love. Your body emits energy and every thought has a frequency.
However, roughly 95% of our energy stored in the body has very little in the brain.
This is why meditation is so important.
To make and move this loving energy from the body to the brain meditation draws the energy right to the top of the head.
This can be compared to a mind orgasm.
We are all different but there is one thing, well more than one thing, that brings us all together-love.
This is not about your idea about the ideal love. The abstract idea about love which is what most of us get wrong.
What has shaped our idea and imagination about the idea of love has been movies, music, family, and other outside forces other than your own.
We must become extremely aware of what we allow in our receptors.
I came to a point in my life where I had to really come to love myself to get to the conclusion that love is not what I thought it was.
I was never shown what love was other than one of my favorite movies,The Notebook, or Titanic.
But neither of my relationships ever emulated these movies which I loved so much.
And, as I write this, I can say begin a 29 year old women I am now just learning to do so.
I do not remember much of my childhood but from what I do remember it was all traumatic events which I feel majority of us are bound to remember.
We tend to remember the bad more than the good. And, so I guess, my mind just stayed this way throughout my life until I started to become more hyperaware.
... is to feed your ego.
We tend to more-so live in our ego mind. Your own mind is a reflective into the universal mind and must be returned to you.
You must be steadfast in mind so you must learn to raise your vibration and love yourself first truly before looking for it from anyone or anything else.
When you love yourself you do not need to look for love anywhere else. It is something that just happens.
You love everything, everyone (yes, everyone).
Even your greatest adversaries. Because when you do, you are able to see a part of yourself that once use to be and that you no longer are.
You learn to have nothing more but understanding and compassion for others that do not fit your mold.
Because you are no longer that person you no longer feel the need to react.
You love yourself fully to understand that there is no room for any other feelings but love in your life.
You love because you are not missing something within yourself.
You love because you are still learning to understand yourself but provide yourself the patience that you need.
You love because you are not stuck in the ideal abstract of what love is or should be in modern day context.
You love because you are not programmed to think you need to search for it since it is already within.
You love because you are grateful for nature and the world around you.
You love because it is the best thing you can do, and come on, it makes you feel great!
You love because you want nothing in return.
You love because you are love.
What are ways you show yourself you love you?
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