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How To Experience Life on a Deeper Level


Knowing your soul inside your vessel is the ultimate truth

By Savvvy Team

November 16, 2021


Inner peace is possible.

You just have to be willing and dedicated enough to find out what it is that brings that to you.

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions but here are some practices to follow when going about your day in this crazy world.

Just remember to breathe and tell yourself everything is going to be alright. You are one step in the right direction.

In this article, you will learn:

  • 11 ways to improve your life

  • How to take inventory of your life

  • Tips on how to save your money

  • Recommend books to change your habits

  • Top affirmations for your everyday use

1. Be Present

One of the many reasons people find themselves stressed, pacing with anxiety or depression is that they are worried or hyper fixated on the past or what should have or will happen.

Become more present by meditating, praying, or taking in what is happening in front of you right now.

This would mean to stop reading this and appreciate and be grateful where you are exactly in life.

Stop worrying and focus on what you can control, be true to yourself.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Show me your friends and I will tell you your future”?

Surround yourself with people who want the best for you and who aspire to do amazing things.

When you surround yourself with positive people you start to see life as happening around you vs life happening to you.

3. Be Grateful

Count your blessings. It is so easy to take things for granted. Are you just as excited as you were when you got your new car or bought your new house?

We tend to let things depreciate in value over time.

The next time you have a meal or go out for a drink of water, take the time to stop and wonder how far that bottle has travel or the work it took to prepare the meal that sits in front of you.

If you can not appreciate the things you have in life now what makes you think anything new will come towards you?

4. Get Help

To get right you need to be right. If you are anything like me, you despise asking for help.

You do not want to seem weak or be taken advantage of.

But, we can not live in this world without any help. We all go through our tough times and what makes it better is when we can talk to someone about it to get it off our chest.

There are platforms you can use to seek professional or spiritual help. Just know you have resources. You are not in this alone.

5. Write It Down

Write down affirmations, your dreams, and goals. Let me say (write) that again, write it down, and say it out loud.

There is something about writing that gives it a sense of life.

Before anything is ever made or done it was only a mere thought. To give it a bigger chance of becoming reality take it up a notch and write what it is you are thinking about or wanting.

You may not see your writing again in a few years but you can always come back to reflect on it and see the miracles that have transformed in your life.

The coolest thing is to look back on it and see the things you wrote down come true without even realizing it.

6. Set an Alarm

Busy? Easily distracted? Seems like that is most of us nowadays.

Good thing they have this thing on your phone that is called an alarm to help remind you that you are human and to take a breather.

Set an alarm to do calming exercises or to listen to a relaxing tune or say some mantras.

You can also set an alarm before your meals to remind yourself to be grateful for it.

7. Read Books

You can get lost in a book and come out of it learning so much more.

Here are a few of my favorite books that have helped me in my journey and I recommend (this does not include any religious or spiritual texts but I would also highly recommend starting with those first).

Eat, Pray, Love, You Are a Badass, The Alchemist, The Journey to Awakening, Manuscript Found in Accra.

8. Join a Club

By surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals or people who you aspire to become attend seminars or workshops that focus on topics that interest you.

This can be anything from spiritual to recreational. If you are an adult and miss going to camps there are adult camps you can go to! Here are a few to check out. I was shocked too.

9. Volunteer

There is nothing like giving your time to a cause. You feel more empowered and helps you center your psyche.

Plus you get to meet some pretty amazing people who have the same goal of helping others in mind. We rise by lifting each other up.

10. Embrace the Fear

There is no better way to find inner peace than to accept that fear is common and we just have to learn how to silence that voice inside.

11. Slow Down

Don't forget who you are and don’t forget to breathe. Start doing one thing at a time and do it with mindfulness.

Don't run at turbo speed in everything you do as this will only cause burn out or you needing to continuously turn up your speed.

Which we all know where that leads to, more added stress.


This article has covered 11 ways to experience life on a deeper level. Use them and become familiar with them.

Things covered in this article:

  • Be present in your everyday life.

  • Surround yourself with positive people. Support one another.

  • Ask for help when needed and offer it as well.

  • Write your dreams, goals and affirmations down and say it out loud.

  • Set an alarm to remind yourself to take time for you and to be grateful.

  • Read books and educate yourself on new topics.

  • Join a club with like-minded people.

  • Volunteer at your local food shelter or community.

  • Embrace your fears and let it go. Do not stay stuck in things that are comfortable.

  • Slow down and take time to enjoy nature and the beauty and healing that comes from it.

Which of these ways do you want to enhance your life?

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