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Singles Guide to a New Year

Cheers to a new year and a brand new you

By Savvvy Team

December 28th 2021

I am sure you are just as nervous yet excited about the next year coming up.

If you are anything like me you then you are ready to put the past behind you and take the lessons you have learned and prepare for a new and yet more exciting chapter more than ever.

The past few years have been quite a roller coaster and we are ready to embark on a brand new journey.

You have noticed yourself growing spiritually, mentally, and physically.

The things that once served you in this world no longer serve you anymore you are getting rid of and we are so proud of you.

You are metamorphosing into another dimension that is allowing the liberation from the ego, or from the self, to truly become the desired outcome.

Transitively taking this journey, if you are intending to eventually be in a partnership, may be extremely healing and liberating.

But guiding yourself throughout the journey may come with it shares of ups and downs. We have composed a guide that has helped our team throughout the years and we are here to become part of your new exciting journey.

Stop trying so hard

We notice that in life when we try to seek something out it usually does not go as plan.

Be comfortable in the unknown.

Do not try to feel the areas in the life where you feel void.

There is no lack so you should move as though the things you want to accomplish are already coming your way, or better yet already here.

Accept the change

Begin in acceptance of change not only facilities growth but mental awareness.

It is just as important as the air you breathe.

Let yourself accept change and express yourself accordingly.

Be ready to change directions when needed and listen to your intuition when guided on a new journey or path. Staying constant is the result of fear of change.

Be the change you see yourself becoming.

Get comfortable with receiving

Most of us our more comfortable with giving to those that need help or assistance.

We are more than readily available to help others. But what about ourselves?

We need to be in a state of gratitude when either receiving or giving.

It is important to learn how to receive just as the way you give. This allows people to embrace their own love and pass on the gifts they have to others.

If you are always in the state of giving you will be bound to numb your soul's true intentions for facilitating a balance and exchange of energies.

Learn something new

When was the last time you tried something new? You can start by reading a book in your topic of interest or pick up a new hobby that you have been looking into for some time.

Find time to give back to yourself. You are always growing and evolving so make sure to continuously nourish yourself and water your seed within.

Cultivating your spiritual growth

Your life's journey has a lot to do with the inner work you choose to do while here on earth in your human body.

We are not humans on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual journeys in a human body. The more you take the time to cultivate this aspect in your life the less pressure and stress you will feel to live your life a certain way.

Once you are open to this idea then you will start to see changes in your life.

Cultivate self-love

Taking care of yourself should be as important as breathing.

If you are too busy in life to take the time to focus on yourself then you will never truly be able to love or live in abundance. Before your flight takes off the attendance provide you with the procedures in case of emergencies.

You are to put on your mask before you help others. What good would you be in life if you are always focused on others and forget yourself?

Change the way you think and speak

It's important to become more aware each and every day to the way you think, feel, speak, and act.

The next time you catch yourself saying, "I am too busy", or " I do not have time" then do not be surprised when you are filled with anxiety and stress trying to rush in this life.

Everything around you is you pushed out. So when you tell yourself you do not have time, then you do not have time. Instead say this instead, "I have time", "I am time", "I am in perfect harmony with the universe and divinine timing."

Heal your trauma

We all have some sort of trauma that we have all had to, or still working on overcoming.

It's important that you take the time to heal any past hurt or neglection of feelings that you have experienced in your life. You can seek therapy or find your healing in nature.

Wherever it is that your soul finds healing and peace is where you should spend more time in.

Be kind to yourself throughout this time because it is a big step in even taking the steps to acknowledge this.

Cultivate your goals and dreams

Many of us have found our purpose in life and we want to go towards it.

The work starts once you are aware of what you would like your plans to be in this life. If you are not in this stage yet then you will notice before you get to it that you will start getting comfortable with changing your trajectory of life every so often.

Begin in tuned with yourself throughout your journey is vital because you are constantly changing and evolving.

Making a plan and taking action on your goals will inspire others to do the same.

Find your balance between aloneness and togetherness

People find their peace in aloneness and it is probably one of the best feelings in the world when you are comfortable with this space. It gives you a sense of power.

It is not saying you do not need other people to help you but you need to find a safe scared place within yourself so that it gives you time to reflect away from the distractions.

Once you have retreated and spent time with yourself you will have felt recharged to go out and help others. You can also find a place to recharge yourself by connecting with others.

Finding that balance is crucial.

Separate yourself from distractions

This one is easier said than done. I, myself, am still working on this but have come a long way since.

I can say the last time (other than my love life) I was into any sort of unhealthy distractions was with social media.

This was when Myspace was around, for those who do not know what this is it was before Facebook.

We must be concerned in this area as many things in this world is meant to distract us.

Do not try to avoid it as you will only bring more of the temptation around. Instead, you must find the balance and power within yourself to educate yourself rather than keeping yourself entertained. Not all entertainment is bad!

However, how you spend your time with it has a huge impact how your life turns out.

You can also avoid distractions by avoiding people who are not adding any benefits to your life.

Be the person you want to be with

If you have accept the time you are in this life on your own and appreciating the journey then you have also told yourself that this time is a pivotal and much needed moment.

No one likes the feeling of neediness or attachments.

Especially when everything we touch in this life is temporary. Many people are functioning in this life in their ego stage, but much is changing and people are becoming more aware of this.

By attempting to heal and accept the time you are alone in this world is the time you spent cultivating the love for ones self. In turn, you will attract someone who is on your vibration.

We are learning that the people around us are a reflection of ourselves pushed out.

Take control of fear

There are many fears in this world as there are people. Understanding that we are in control of our fears and anxiety is a big step in moving towards abundance and peace.

When you are in a state of worry or fear you tend to block out the things you truly want in this life for fear of not having the ability to obtain it or the lack of something you desire.

Fear of failure or fear of success is what stops most people from achieving their life's goals and dream.

Allow your creative mind to be creative without fear of judging oneself or self-sabotage. Take back control of your life and be in company with fear when it knocks on your door.

Find healing in nature

For those of us who already use this as a form of healing truly knows it's power. I know for me I enjoy taking baths or showers. There is something about water that I find healing.

The noise, the smell, the way it feels on my skin.

Find your peace and balance somewhere in nature. Wheter that is a walk in the woods, listening to the sound of thunder and rain, taking a bath or swimming.

Whatever it may be just know that there is healing in nature and cultivating this aspect in your life may provide you some form of clarity for your own personal's life journey.

Slow down

Slow down! It's almost like most of us are running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

Okay, pretty gruesome analogy and for those who are vegans and animals lovers I do apologize but this is as close as I was able to get to try and make my point.

Look around, everyone is in their own world and own timing. No wonder most of us are lost because we are moving so fast not to appreciate the things in life while they are here.

What are you rushing for? Death? Learn how to breathe and slow down.

Practice gratitude everyday

Without gratitude you will not be able to appreciate the things you have in this life. This is probably one of, if not, thy most important thing on this list.

How can you accept anything more in life if you are not grateful for the things you have now.

Learn how to make this the first thing you do in the morning and you will see wonders and greatness manifested into your life.

Write something you are grateful for or say it out loud every morning.


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