“Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does.” ― Sukhraj S.”
By Savvvy Team
October 21, 2021
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Let's face it. We only have a limited amount of days in our lifetime. It does not really matter if you have the best skills, smarts, or methods.
If you can't execute and get results it's all for nothing. So how can you align your actions for the long term milestones, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, consistently?
Many people want to live a full life where you aren't making as much sacrifices in your life just to sustain another, it takes a formula for success that you integrate into your life to make things happen for yourself.
That being said, here are 11 things you can do in your life to improve your personal developmental growth and elevate yourself to another level.
In this article, you will learn:
Staying up to date with basic life skills by always improving yourself with learning new skills and experiencing new hobbies.
Take inventory of your life so that you can move forward by learning things you want to change.
Tips on how to save your money so you can become financially savvy.
Recommend books to change your habits and lifestyle to get you motivated.
Top affirmations for your everyday use so change your thoughts pattern and live a happier life.
Be consistent and find a positive habit in your life that provides balance in your life.
Stay connected with like-minded people. Find yourself role models to keep you elevated.
1. Read about it. Listen about it. Be About it.
When was the last time you learned something new? If it's hard for you to remember then it is time to pick up a new hobby or learn a new skill.
What was the last book you read? (You should currently be reading one.) When was the last time you took yourself out into nature for a walk on your own?
Go and pick up a book at the library or download an audible book to help you get back into the swing of things. You will thank your brain later. There are also some awesome brain games to provide you the stimulation your brain craves and deserves.
When was the last time you heard an educational podcast?
Do you have a favorite podcast? Are you into thrillers, or an NPR fan? Whatever it is you are into I am sure there is a podcast out there for you (hint: and if not, then start it)
2. Take Inventory of Your Life
What do you mean take inventory?
Sit down with yourself and evaluate your life from a co-pilot standpoint. Asses things in your life you want to change and the areas that could use improvements. Keep what you need and throw out the rest. This can sometimes even mean the people in your life.
Are you running out of motivation?
Does your anxiety take over your life and cause you to feel stuck and unmotivated for a change?
Figure out whatever it is in your life that could use some adjustment and be proactive. Starting sooner than later will be the push you need to get you started.
3. Get in the Habit (a.k.a Be Consistent)
“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”
None of these things are meant to be easy, this one is no different. You can not expect your life to change overnight by making a change in one day. You have to keep going even when the obstacles become overwhelming, because they will.
Your want for it must be greater than the shit you are facing to get it.
Put in the work and continue putting it in. This is a daily practice and must become a part of your lifestyle if you truly want success.
4. Find Your Peace
Do you enjoy yoga, nature, or, are you an animal lover?
No matter where it is you find peace, whether it is in you religion or spiritual beliefs (or even a place) then this will be your grounding and guiding center. This will play a major role in your life.
Be true to yourself and do things that bring you happiness and peace, leave out the rest. Spend time in nature, with family, meditate, fast, or have some alone time with yourself in any hobbies you enjoy doing.
You have the ability to focus on your own energy of peace. So be the peace you need to be for yourself so then you emit it to others.
5. Find Your Accountability Partner
Self-development is not a solo gig.
Find someone who is also aspiring for similar things in life and who will also motivate you to become a better version of yourself. You both will find yourself growing and learning from one another.
We all need a push in the right direction, sometimes guidance from those around us, but use with caution as not everyone is out for our own good but their own.
Trust your intuition when you are guided to walk away from negativity or when you are guided to ask for help!
6. Find Your Balance
You could use some inner balance when things are not so peaceful in your life.
Stop rushing in life and accept the present moments more often so that you can enjoy life more. Things in life may knock you off your feet, and the unknown or ideals of what should have happened will become a struggle to anyone if you are not living in the moment.
We tend to have so much to do and get pulled in so many different directions that it can drive us nuts.
Finding your balance is a key element in allowing yourself to take on these challenges when faced with them. It will also leave you feeling refreshed once you can learn how to balance time for yourself.
When was the last time you took an hour off from your phone or from any unnecessary online surfing or social media?
7. Be Kind to Yourself
We seem to be our own worst critics.
Constantly thinking about how we could have done better, be better, look better and the list goes on and on.
Learn how to forgive yourself. Give yourself the recognition you deserve. You are already living in this crazy place we call life.
So strive to be more self-compassionate with yourself. This is the time to start begin more kind to yourself.
(Write this on a sticky note and stick it on your wall for a friendly reminder- I am worth it! and read it every morning and night).
8. Find Kick-Ass Role Model(s)
Your role model is the person you look up to. The person who you someday aspire to be like, or who has had a big influence in your life’s decisions.
Your role model helps you become the better version of yourself.
If you do not have a role model in your life then make a list of key characteristics (use a pen and paper) you want them to have and do a google search. You may be surprised as to who you find.
9. Track Your Progress
As Peter Druker is often quoted, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.”
There is something exhilarating about visualizing your progress. And comparing where you started to what you have accomplished.
You will not be able to know whether or not you have made progress successfully unless it is track and defined.
Make sure to grab yourself a pen and paper and start making a list to allow yourself to visually see the achievements you made. Write it down!
10. Affirmations
I am sure you have heard this numerous times.
This is one of the many important ones on this list! Positive affirmations can help you overcome self-sabotaging, fears, worry, anxiety, and negative thoughts.
Affirmations may also help mitigate the effects of depression and stress. A good one you can use is waking up every morning and saying, “ I have the power to create change" or “I am enough.”
Here are a list of positive affirmations to get your day started.
I will do what no one else is willingly to do today.
I am enough.
I am starting my day off right, it's going to be a great day.
I give myself and others a sense of peace.
I will finish all the work that is needing to be done today.
I am grateful for ....
I am happy, I am light, I am love.
I will listen more today.
I will take my time today.
11. Save Your Money
Finances are on the top of the list when it comes to the stresses of everyday life.
Learn how to manage your money and live financially debt-free. Become more conscious with your money and start becoming savvy on ways you can invest.
Remember that your money always looks better in the bank than on you!
Start building a better relationship with your money.
Tip on saving your money
Check your account everyday and track your spending
Get alerts from your banking app
Look into CD's to allow your funds to grow interest while it is locked in
Set saving goals and write them down
Prep for grocery shopping (make a list and stick to it)
Learn more about interest bearing account
Cancel unnecessary subscriptions
Invest in your retirement plan
This article has covered 11 ways to become a better version of yourself. You are able to start these things right now and I highly suggest you do so if you have not already done so!
Things covered in this article:
Reading is important, learn about new topics and get yourself into new hobbies
Become aware about your spending habits and get in the habit of saving your money
Top affirmations to tell yourself in the morning and throughout the day
Track your progress and write it down so you can measure it
Find a role model in your life who you aspire to be like and learn from them
Be kind to yourself even when it gets tough
Find balance in your life for yourself and others, it's imperative to give yourself the peace you deserve
Stay consistent in your progress and write things down to visually see them
Taking inventory of your life to help guide you in your journey